From one package to a full truck!
Quality Policy
The Quality policy of PRISMA Spedizioni e Trasporti Internazionali must meet the following criteria:

  • continual improvement of the company services through the achievements of the goals established by the Management Review, especially:
    • the continual improvement for sastifying the client
    • the increasing amount of a costumer base
    • it should be relevant to the needs and expectations of the customers of the organization, well beyond the requirements of the contract
    • the continuous research of new and qualified transporters for third parties
    • the improvement of the internal procedures
    • the conformity to the norm requirements and of the contracts
  • the increase in the revenue;
  • obtain and mantain the certification accodingly to the standards of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008.
For the attainment of such goals PRISMA Spedizioni e Trasporti Internazionali undertakes to ensure that:

  • every activity will be set and managed with effectiveness and efficiency coherently with the System of Management for the Firms Quality and in particular to provide with the necessary resources and indicated in the document of the Management Review;
  • every person or employer of PRISMA Spedizioni e Trasporti Internazionali , independently of their role within the firm must be fully aware of the level of Quality that is being offered, of the satistfaction of the client and of the attainment of the firm’s goals;
  • the internal and external communication must be effective and efficient accordingly determined  by the Management of Quality, for the goals and the results of the firm.